京都の町家お宿 ロマン館


京宿ロマン館トップページ> スタッフブログ> 2015年08月



2015年8月29日    新着情報 





お店のHP http://ninja-kyoto.co.jp/diningtheater/index.php


I have been to “DININD THEATER NINJA” with my colleague.

After all guests practiced sword techniques on stage, Ninjas gave us a performance to pretend being beaten, synchronized with our sword swings.

I am pretty sure that it will entertain guests with kids, too.

We could take photos with Ninjas in the end, and our satisfaction was high enough.

The fee is 4000 yen/person including food by platter style and Ninja show.

The content will be varied between weekdays and weekends.

Please have a go to their website attached below for your reference:



IMG_6401 IMG_6402

TV放送されました!~We were broadcasted~

2015年8月21日    新着情報 

先日私達の旅館にテレビ取材が入りました! 町家スタイルの旅館の需要が外国人客の間で急増している事を受けての取材でした(^^) ただ、個人的には外国の方のみならず、最近は日本の若者にも町家ファンが増えてきているなぁ~と感じる今日この頃です。


↓↓ TV放送はコチラから(22分くらいからうちの旅館が紹介されてます)↓↓


↑↑ Details are here (let’s focus on after 22min) ↑↑

We were broadcasted on TV show!! Since Kyoto got brilliant prize (Number one city to visit in American magazine), the numbers of visitors are getting bigger and bigger in Kyoto. We, could actually say they lOVE Machiya-style building like us. That’s why we were chosen to be broad casted.

~Let’s enjoy the experience to stay at Machiya House in Kyoto with us~

の輪レストランの新メニュー!New meals on the menu at our restaurant!

2015年8月17日    新着情報 


New Syabu-syabu meals on the menu at our restaurant. If you want to eat some Japanese food for lunch near our hotel, our restaurant is the best place for you! It’s just next to our reception, and you can eat good food at reasonable price(:しゃぶしゃぶ