地下にいながら京都タワーや京都駅ビルが一望できるんですよ天気のいい日は大屋根を開放していてすごくいい雰囲気です( ^ω^ )!!!!
Kyoto station building is holding ” Soratsunagi garden” at Poruta 20th anniversary of the founding You can see Kyoto tower and Kyoto station, although you are in the basement!!!! If you go to Kyoto station, you should visit there!!!!!
京宿ロマン館トップページ> スタッフブログ> 2017年09月
この前友人と八坂神社に行って来たんですよー( ^ω^ )!!!!!!
みなさんこの場所はご存知ですか? 最近すごく人気の観光スポットなんです😄!
すごく面白かったので行ってみて下さいね( ^ω^ )!!!!
A few days ago, I went to Yasaka shrine( ^ω^ )!!!!
Do you know this place? Recently, it is really popular for sight seeing😄!!!!
In shrine’s area, there are many colorful monkeys. It’s named “Kukurizaru”.
It’s really nice place, so you should go there!!!
I got a picture taken with the guests who did kimono experience! This couple with pretty smile come from Chile! It’s the first time for them to wear kimono👘 I was glad to see them enjoyed it so much✨! I hope they enjoy the rest of their stay in Japan🇯🇵
先日スタッフ数人で焼肉を食べに行きました!八条口にある焼肉寿寿さんに行きました。人気店なのでしっかりと予約をして行きました( ^ω^ )!!結構食べて飲んだのに凄く安い!!!さらには凄く美味しいというぜひとも行ってみてほしいですね!!!!
HI! How are you going!we went to eat a yakiniku at “Juju” in Hachijoguchi!!!! It’s really popular, so we made a reservation before we go We ate too much foods and drinks,but it was really cheep price!!!! In addition, it was really good…… If you are interested in it, you should go!!!
どうもこんにちは、スタッフのUです!! 昨日冷蔵庫の掃除&整理をしましたというのも本日から2日間限定でフロント玄関にてソフト
Hi!!!! I’m Tsubasa I cleaned up a fridge yesterday because we decided to sell a soft cream at our reception only for 2days If you want, you can make by yourself!!!!! It should be fun( *`ω´)!!!!!!
Hi! I joined Suntory Kyoto Beer Factory Tour! They offer a guide tour of beer-making process and beer tasting!
I went to for tasting actually!haha I highly recommend you this activity if you are coming to Kyoto!