先日台湾からのお客様よりお土産を頂きまし!!!!!!! あの有名な鼎泰豊(ディンタイフォン)のパイナップルケーキです( ^ω^ )!!!! 日本にも店舗があるくらいすごいお店なんですよ!!!! スタッフ一同で美味しく頂きました ありがとうございます!!!!!!
The other day, our guest gave us a gift. It’s a pineapple cake which is really famous in Japan
Do you know “DIN TAI FUNG”? It’s very nice. If you are interested in it, you should eat it!!!!!
京宿ロマン館トップページ> スタッフブログ> 2017年11月
We went Shoren-in to see autumn leaves. It was very cold but we enjoyed beautiful view There are some temple or shrine around shorten-in. You should visit there