Happy Valentine’s Day!! Did you give a chocolate to you?? I ate some chocolates with Nagomi ‘s staff! And also, staff’s friend gave us “Kyo-sabure”, it’s crunchy cookies! Why don’t you try to eat it? You can buy at Kyoto International Manga Museum!
京宿ロマン館トップページ> スタッフブログ> 2018年02月
韓国の平昌オリンピックを観戦してきました!!!! 現地はマイナス15度くらいで何を着ても防ぎきれませんでした…. オリンピックパークでは本物のメダルなども展示されていました。会場もすごく盛り上がっていて圧倒されてしまいました!!!
I went to see Pyeongchang Olympic Games in Korea!!!! It was really cold outside!!! please check my photos!!!! Thank you!!!!
Our guests who did kimono experience
They came to Japan this time as a oneymoon, and enjoined kimono
They looked great in kimono
In addition, after the kimono experience they reserved a dinner for our restaurant “Nowa”
I heard they will go to Fushimiinari shrine, Gion and Kinkakuji temple today.
Have good time in Kyoto.
着物写真体験のお客様です!!!! 台湾からのお客様で、そのうちの1人の方は6年ほど日本
This is photo of kimono experience!!! They’re from Taiwan!!! One of them speak Japanese fluently because she has studied abroad in Japan for 6 years. We were really surprised!!!! I heard they were looking forward to kimono experience. We also really enjoyed it with them!!! Thank you very much.
This is the photo of the guests who stayed with making matcha plan! They tried to make matcha by themselves for the first time. (one of them had done before though) We’re so glad that they seemed to enjoy this experience(*^_^*) and thank you for taking this
今回は、旅館に併設されているの輪レストランでご利用いただける『お財布に優しい割引プラン』のご案内です ホームページからご予約いただきますと、1プランを1組・皆様分割引対象になります!
Here is the special information!!:D
We offer three discount plans at Nowa Restaurant, only if you reserve in advance on the web sites.(https://www.nagomi-kyoto.com/eng/)
You can use only one of the plans which are for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. *\(^o^)/*
And then, we will discount 10% for each plans to all of you. You can enjoy by our serving ,cafe and bar, with nostalgic feel.