The guests who are from Mexico worn kimono. It is the first time to experience it. She was very beautiful !
京宿ロマン館トップページ> スタッフブログ> 2018年03月
京都駅から東に5分歩いた所に”崇仁新町(すうじんしんまち)”と呼ばれる新しい町が誕生しました 京都ではあまり見れない屋台形式で、ローカル感が強くとても面白い試みだなぁと思いますが2年半だけという期間限定なのが少し残念な気もします
The new town, named by Sujin-shinmachi, was born near the Kyoto station recently. I admired their attempt that created a new type of town in Yatai style and gathering local people. But this is opened only for 2years, so you should visit there that you can meet with local people as good experience.(^o^)/