京都の町家お宿 ロマン館


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高台寺 紅葉 ~Let’s see autumn leaves at Kodaizi temple~

2016年10月15日    新着情報 


価格:大人600円 中学生300円

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We could feel that the climate is changed from summer to autumn these days so it’s really comfortable to hang out in Kyoto. We Japanese have a kind of custom to see autumn leaves in fall. When you come here in this season, it might be nice idea to see it. The name of place which we stuff recommend seeing is “Kodaizi temple” because you would enjoy to see autumn leaves lighted up at night. It’s very stunning view. Check it out!

Price: Adult 600yen /Child(under15)300yen
Access: It takes about 17mins to get there from Kyoto station by bus of number 206.