京都の町家お宿 ロマン館


京宿ロマン館トップページ> スタッフブログ> 2017年01月20日


この寒い時期の京都の楽しみ方~Let’s enjoy Kyoto’s events in winter !~

2017年1月20日    新着情報 



期間 1/28(土)~2/4(土)






It was snow day last weekend and has recently continued cold day in Kyoto. However, we’d like you to know awesome events which can enjoy only in this season. It’s “The snow lantern of Kayabuki village” which is located in Miyama city, Kyoto. This event has been held every winter season. You could enjoy night view decorated with some lanterns of participants’s own making and famous flower lantern which run along in Arashiyama. There are special food courts and traditional house lit up there. Check it out!


Date :January 28th– February 4th